How I Cook, OR: How did this get into my Oven?

The way I cook things is thus: I read a recipe, think of how I would actually cook it with the things I have on hand, then muddle it together guessing how much how many and to what extent I should do it by.
Example, my Tater Tot Casserole.

Where Morg Comes From

I play a game called SecondLife. ( ) IF you also play this game, I'm Morgdah Graves, send me an instant message, or not.. if I'm not there as Morg, look up Rayne Oconnell (another story behind THAT name, too.. long long story)

SL is fun, but you have to play it a bit of a while, there are ALL sorts of things there that are or are NOT PG... a LOT is NOT PG, a LOT is ADULT, but the majority is PG... IF YOU HAVE CHILDREN under 18, Don't let them get your password. LOG ABILITY is good, but ya know, people can get ahold of those logs.

OTHERWISE, it's fun. People are mostly happy to help you there, but don't go begging for monies. you may end up on the wrong end of an orbit.


Friday, November 12, 2010

Thanksgiving... 1999

a few years back, before 2001, when I had met Dan, Friends of mine and I did a thanksgiving to remember.....

We had just done the Rocky Horror Picture Show in the Alex Johnson Ballroom, Halloween was a kick that year... That was the year I met Travis (that is a story within itself), and was introduced to Vampire the Masquerade. We played the Table Top with dice at first, then we upgraded to LARP (Live Action Role Play). We all had our own little quirks and costumes.. it was a Hoot! ( except mass combat.. another long story )

Well, quite a few of us had no other way to do thanksgiving with family, so I agreed to cook dinner and everyone brought something else to the table. It was a lovely idea.

Well, We had turkey breast, ham, potatoes, beans, chips, dip, and wine... remember, we had wine.. and dragon's breath.. remember this. we were intoxicated.

while food was cooking, and people were showing up:
and Me.

Well, while food was cooking, Travis brought the ingredients to Dragon's Breath:
5 fifths of clear alcohol (rum, vodka etc)
5 packets of black cherry koolaid
7 cups of sugar (white refined)
3 habeneros (peppers)
1 large bottle of tobasco

pour all the alcohol into a large pot, and simmer on low, adding sugar, koolaid, and tobasco.
use some of the alcohol to blend the habeneros to a fine puree
then simmer the peppers along with the rest for about half an hour

filter out all of the peppers with a fine mesh filter/funnel
put all the alcohol into containers, and chill

Brian comes over, and I hand him a large mug:
"Brian, taste this!"
"what is it?"
*sniff sniff, Gulp*
*cough hack wheeze, spit into sink*

Now, The dinner saw all of us dressed up as we were for halloween or just in some outfit:
Me: Irish garb from SCA
Travis: Dominatrix
Neight: Nosveratu Vampire (with the scar)
Brian: Viking Lad
Jamie: Gay Geisha Chef
Lincoln: Al Boreland (he said he wasn't going to dress up for thanksgiving, but showed up in nice pants, and a red plaid shirt.. he was also sporting a fairly full beard, and looked just like Al Boreland from Home Improvement.)

otherwise, the food was great...

well, dinner went great, and afterward, we were sitting, drinking, watching something on tv. I was sitting in a plastic chair, and looked over at Lincoln on the arm of the sofa. He happend to be drinking wine from a champaign flute, and had put the full top of it in his mouth and was going 'ahlaalaa' with his tongue, trying to lap the wine... I about wet myself.
I started to laugh and basquaw *Loud and fully hearty laughter*, then fell out of my chair, onto the floor.

NOW, earlier that evening, I had wrenched my thumb on a stair railing.. don't ask me how, i don't remember how, i just remember it hurt.

Neight comes up and offers his hand, to help me up. I take his hand and scream because it pulled on my thumb... well then he thought it would be amusing to stand over me, one foot on either side, and bend over, to help me up by PICKING me up... well, he ended up breadbasketing me with stiff fingers to my ribs..

NOW.. I am a VERY VERY ticklish person. and when I say VERY i mean you could pull the phantom "tickle tickle" from a phone call and i'd freak out.

Well, I freaked out, for he was indeed tickling me in the ribs. so naturally, I kicked. strait up, like opening a scissors... NOW REMEMBER: He was straddling me, standing over me, and well, his Groin was RIGHT THERE.

The crack as my foot connected to Neight's Groin was what made Travis (who was in the bathroom at the time) poke his head around the corner and ask "What the fuck was that??!"

Neight doubled over, and was giggling like a ninny, tears gushing from his eyes in pain, but still, giggling like a ninny.. I felt sooooo bad!!! but we were all laughing and giggling.. for you do remember, we were Inebriated.

We finally calmed down, and were sobering up a smidge, enough to clean up the table and put away leftovers for my then roommates to eat if they came back in a timely manner....

    I would NEVER lock the door to the apartment when I left, because normally there was one or both other roommates in the apartment when I left. both roomies were male, (had no romantic connection to either, both were taken), so i would think, hell, if someone broke in, they could handle the problem.
WELL: That night of thanksgiving, I left, and one roommate had just come home, however, he had gone to the apartment's swimming pool. He wanted to go have some fun while the place was empty. (that whole roommate thing is ANOTHER story altogether.)
So I left, and LOCKED the door.
I came home after a few hours, we had gone Somewhere to either a bar or a movie, or perkins... we loved perkins. sometimes still do.
When we came back, there was the roomie, mad as hell, but not technically AT me.. I was only a portion of what he was mad about....

When he left to go swimming, he FORGOT TO TAKE HIS KEY. Assuming *I* had once again, left the door unlocked. His story:

"I went swimming, and came back to the apartment. the door was LOCKED! I was so mad, because YOU NEVER LOCK THE DOOR! THE ONE TIME YOU DECIDE TO LOCK THE DOOR, I don't take a key with me! So, There were no neighbors home, they had gone elsewhere for Thanksgiving. So I took the fire escape to the roof.. TO THE ROOF.. soaked to the bone, with just swim trunks and a towel and soaked shirt.  NO SHOES, NO DRY CLOTHING. I walked across the roof in bare feet, picking up tar and pebbles in my feet. "
NOW REMEMBER, this is THANKSGIVING in SOUTH DAKOTA. The temperature was nearly below freezing, and it had snowed a little a few days prior.
"I climbed down the wall to a Neighbor's Patio, and crawled across the divider rail to OUR patio. YOU DIDN'T LOCK THE SLIDING GLASS DOOR!!"

Needless to say, even 11 years old, this story is stuck in my mind for EVER!!

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