How I Cook, OR: How did this get into my Oven?

The way I cook things is thus: I read a recipe, think of how I would actually cook it with the things I have on hand, then muddle it together guessing how much how many and to what extent I should do it by.
Example, my Tater Tot Casserole.

Where Morg Comes From

I play a game called SecondLife. ( ) IF you also play this game, I'm Morgdah Graves, send me an instant message, or not.. if I'm not there as Morg, look up Rayne Oconnell (another story behind THAT name, too.. long long story)

SL is fun, but you have to play it a bit of a while, there are ALL sorts of things there that are or are NOT PG... a LOT is NOT PG, a LOT is ADULT, but the majority is PG... IF YOU HAVE CHILDREN under 18, Don't let them get your password. LOG ABILITY is good, but ya know, people can get ahold of those logs.

OTHERWISE, it's fun. People are mostly happy to help you there, but don't go begging for monies. you may end up on the wrong end of an orbit.


Thursday, September 30, 2010

Jesi's Porcupine Meatballs

Roasting Pan
Large Mixing bowl
PREHEAT oven to 350/375
SPRAY cooking spray in roasting pan

1 pkt of onion soup mix in bowl
about 2tbsp garlic powder
about 2tbsp onion powder
about 3 cups rice
stir up with a fork (no runcible spoon)

( )
BUT if you GOOGLE runcible spoon, OMG, it's a METAL SPORK!!! but either way....back to the recipe..

add the 2lbs of hamburger to the rice stuff. squish and mash between fingers, even knead like bread dough.
while you do this, listen to this song list: ( )

when it's all squished together, all the powder mixed into the meat, and all feels good and ... smooshied, roll into about 2-3 inch balls.

take a package of TURKEY BACON (it cooks better to form around the meatballs) and cut in half ( shortways, not longways!), and X over the top of each meatball. stick in roasting pan. if there's not enough room, cook the first batch, and store the leftover meatballs in ziplock bags in the freezer. cook those later.

IN a medium soup pot (like the kind you use to make tomato soup) put in 1 can of el-cheapo spaghetti sauce, one can of cream of mushroom soup, and 1 1/2 cans of MILK. stir up really well, makes a pinkish sauce. heat up, and kinda boilish. TURN OFF THE HEAT, TAKE OFF OF HEAT of this sauce, not the OVEN.

cook those meatballs for about 30 min. then pour soupy sauce over the meatballs. bake for about 20 minutes more. sprinkle about 1 lb of cheese on top.. TURN OFF OVEN BUT LEAVE IN OVEN!!!

BRING out after about 10 min or so, set on top of Stove, let coolish, eat with garlic bread, or just some bread and butter.

STORE LEFTOVERS IN FREEZER!!! NUKE for snack or meal... do whatever you want with it. it's your food now.


NOW that I have your attention, especially with those three... well, kinda FOUR recipes, I just want you to know that I have very eclectic tastes in music, movies, TV shows, entertainers. I have a warped sense of humour, sometimes it's VERY un-PC. But you know, people can deal with my harmless harassment. AND if they can't, well, not my problem if they can't tell the difference between a joke and a serious accusation/taunt. 

ALSO, if you have a problem with how I make a Recipe, or the wording I use, well, don't read it. and if you still don't like it, well, tough banana boogers. deal with it.

I've had a chest cold/cough/wheeze something that makes me hurt to talk, so my job as a phone customer service person or phone sales person is in jeopardy. Until I can find out what the hey it is, i'm stuck. so .... also.. meh. can't change being sick. blarg. nyar. mrf.

ALSO, i will use "Jesisms" .... Words that I use that others don't really .. ever.. use. but they are understood... kinda like the Jabberwocky. ( )

I will also post links and pictures that MAY OR MAY NOT be unsuitable for children under the age of 10... but then again, this is MY blog, and if you don't like it, don't read it.

Humankind was given FREE WILL. I don't force you to do anything. :)

SO, I will post different recipes that are just... good to eat. may or may not be "GOOD FOR YOU" ... but they sure are tasty!!! TRIED AND TRUE!

a LOT of my recipes contain butter, not that margarine crap, meat ( a lot of bacon ) and other things that could clog your arteries.. but again, SURE ARE TASTY!

If yer gonna die, die with a pie and a smile on yer face!

Jesi's SECOND Rice Recipe


Jesi's FIRST Rice Recipe

Big Soup Pot
Stirring spoon, runcible or otherwise.
Tinfoil roasting pan, one of those 8x8's is perfect, actually

Dice up 4 of those frozen chicken breasts (thawed)
season up with LEMON PEPPER seasoning, and if you have, normal pepper and garlic. YES WE LOVE GARLIC!
bake in that 8x8 roasting pan after totally coating the diced chicken at 350 for about 15 minutes, or until it's cooked all the way through, poorly cooked chicken makes you sick. so does pork. Google Salmonella and trichinosis.
drain in colander
Put in big soup pot with 1/2 stick of BUTTER, not that margarine crap.
put the chicken in the pot ( )
fry to make chicken crispy, if you haven't noticed, I like to FRY things.
add 1 can of corn (NOT creamed!! Normal corn in a can, but DRAIN IT FIRST!)
stir up and fry a little more
add about 4 cups of water
add about 4 cups of MINUTE or INSTANT RICE
BOIL for about 5 minutes then take off of heat STIR CONTINUALLY Mix it up all good and mixed.

If you read those directions on the box, they really should just say EQUAL parts rice and water. (sometimes i like to do 1 cup milk to 3 cups water. makes that rice tasty in my opinion, as humble as that may be... but it also makes it stickier.

let set for about 15 minutes, then fluff with .. spoon perhaps? maybe a fork if you don't know where your spoon went.

Jesi's Lumpy Stuff

Big soup Pot
Frying Pan (big one)
Stirring Spoons, runcible or otherwise

PUT in 1 whole stick of butter, not that margarine crap, into that pot.
add about 6 cups of MILK and about 2 cups of water
add spices to flavour (Italian, garlic, onion, or whatever spices you like. Those are my favorites.)
start to boil liquid and spices.
add mashed potato flakes until slightly mushy. (this is where reading the rules of the recipe of how to make those instant mashed potatoes helps... they thicken up fast.)
TURN OFF STOVE! (if you have electric stoves, move off of the burner, and constantly stir!!) add a bit of those instant mashed potatoes to make a bit thicker if not thick enough.

FRY about 2lbs hamburger, diced up 1/2 white onion and 1/2 green bell pepper -also diced- (other half you can slice into slices and dip in ranch dressing or what have you and eat raw, it's nummy.) fry until all is crispy meat, carmeled onion and about same bell pepper. Drain in a Colander.
ADD it to the mashed potatoes. Stir it up all the way, and add about 2lbs of Cheese (any kind that makes you happy, finely shredded melts best.)


Jesi's Tater Tot Casserole

1 Roasting pan (turkey pan is best)
1 Oven
1 Large Cooking Pot (holds about a gallon or two or so)
Cooking (normal or Runcible) Spoon, Spatula, or something handy you can stir with

5lb bag of Tater Tots (any brand is fine... but if you can find those bacon ones, AWESOME, everything tastes better with bacon, which will be another recipe)
spray cooking spray in the bottom of the roasting pan.
line bottom of roasting pan with tater tots. sprinkle italian seasoning over those tater tots. add other spices if you wish, it's up to you.
preheat the oven to about 375 or so.
put roaster in oven, then:

2lbs or so of hamburger
1/2 white onion diced 
1 small can of stems and pieces of mushrooms
Italian Seasoning
Garlic powder (or about 2tbsp of diced garlic)
Onion powder (about 1tbsp, one tsp if you aren't into onion flavour)
1 stick of butter, not that margarine crap.
Melt Butter in pot, fry diced onion, garlic, mushrooms with seasoning until carmelizedish. add hamburger, fry rest of the way until hamburger is crunchy little iddy biddy bits. drain in Colander then put back into pot.

add two cans of Cream Of Soup (cream of mushroom/chicken/asparagus/spinach, you get the idea, whatever you like, I like Cream of Mushroom) and about 4 cans of MILK.
Stir all up into a slurry, letting it bubble and boil.
Add a 1LB bag of frozen mixed vegetables. corn, peas, lima beans, diced carrots packet if you can find it. if not, just whatever 1lb bag of frozen mixed veggies you can find, or want in there. (gotta have yer veggies)

Cook in pot, boiling it, stirring it. will take about 10 minutes or so... maybe longer. TURN OFF STOVE TOP.

TURN OVEN TO BROIL for about 7 minutes.

pour slurry over the really toasty tater tots.. make sure they are really toasty!!! crunchy even!!
add a layer of cheese. about 1 1/2 lbs, more if you like your cheese. Put the rest of the tater tots over the cheese. sprinkle with italian seasoning and other spices. Put in oven WHILE IT IS ON BROIL. Broil to cook those top tater tots!! about 10-15/20 min, depending on how long to make them REALLY CRISPY.

pull out and check, if they are really crispy, then add another layer of 1 1/2 lbs or more of cheese. Put back in oven for about 5 more minutes, to melt and crisp-top that cheese. 

When the cheese looks nice and crispy, or is completely melted on and around the tater tots. Pull from oven.
Set on top of stove and let it settle / cool for about 15-20 minutes.
